%20- 3 Pieces Silver Brazing Rod

%20- 3 Pieces Silver Brazing Rod

Price : ₺870,00(Vat included)

2 MM - %20 - 3 PIECES


Silver Brazing Rod 20% (3 Pieces)

ASA brand silver brazing rods stand out for their high-quality material and features.

  • The silver brazing rods are 50 cm in length, making them ideal for various brazing projects.
  • This ensures ease of use across multiple applications.
  • The product contains no cadmium, making it an eco-friendly and health-conscious choice.
  • The percentage symbol (%) in the product names represents the silver content in the brazing rod, helping users select the correct material for their needs.
  • The product is not suitable for melting using a blowtorch, ensuring safer and more controlled brazing processes.
  • ASA brand silver brazing rods are produced to industry standards and are noted for their user-friendly characteristics.

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