5*30 Mm - 100 Mt Adhesive EPDM Foam Strips

5*30 Mm - 100 Mt Adhesive EPDM Foam Strips

Discount Rate : %6 Discount
Price : ₺1.690,00(Vat included)
Discounted : ₺1.588,00(Vat included)

Thickness 5 mm - Width 30 mm - Length 100 mt


Adhesive EPDM Foam Strips 5*30 mm (100 Meters)

  •  Made from rubber-based material.
  •  Heat resistant from -40°C to +120°C.
  •  Self-adhesive for easy application.
  • Resistant to chemicals, oils, and weather conditions, suitable for use in HVAC, construction, decoration, automotive, and furniture industries.
  •  Ensures air-tightness around doors and windows in homes.

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