Step Pan Inward Folding Ladder Stool (3 Steps)

Step Pan Inward Folding Ladder Stool (3 Steps)

Price : ₺4.199,00(Vat included)

3 Steps

Step Pan Inward Folding Ladder Stool (3 Steps)

  • 100% locally produced using high-quality beech wood.
  • No assembly required; ready to use straight out of the box.
  • Designed for practical, everyday use.
  • The stool has a weight capacity of 135 kg.
  • When open, the dimensions are: Height: 74 cm, Width: 59 cm; step widths: First step: 17 cm, Second step: 16 cm, Third step: 19.5 cm.
  • When closed, the dimensions are: Height: 74 cm, Width: 39 cm.
  • The stool weighs 9 kg.

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